Monday, March 16, 2015

Is there Satanic Ritual Abuse in Sanhedria Merchevet (and other areas of Jerusalem)

Recently,  the blog site Daat Torah  has been blogging on the continuing spread of the idea that there is a pedophile ring, cult, group that is operating in various neighborhoods in Jerusalem.  , , Many parents are claiming their children are being abused.
 So far there have been two verdicts of the religious courts condemning various individuals and one letter to parents and Rabbis (see  ) echoing the various claims of a few parents.  These verdicts were all given based on the testimonies of one side only and accepted as truth without even questioning the validity of these claims or questioning the other side. 

Kol Hakovod to Rabbi Daniel Eidensohn,Ph.D.
for questioning the reality of these claims.

Following is a link to the Tablet Article that was written by Menachem Kieser who spent over a year investigating a similar case in Nachlaot, but did not find any evidence that substantiated those claims .

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