The following article was written in the Israel Press on February 28, 2015. I am not at all familiar with this particular case, however it is interesting what the article says in relation to the False Accusations that occurred in Nachlaot between 2011 and 2012. This is the last paragraph of said article:
מעשיו לכאורה של ביטון אינם הראשונים שחושפים חוקרי מרחב ציון במשטרת ירושלים בשכונת נחלאות. בשלהי שנת 2011 העבירו למשטרה מספר רב של תושבים בשכונה שמות של 25 גברים ונשים שביצעו לטענתם מעשי אונס, מעשי סדום ומעשים מגונים. שלושה מהם אף נעצרו, אולם רק אחד הורשע בפועל בביצוע מעשי סדום. במשטרה מעידים כי הסיבה שקשה להרשיע על סמך הראיות היא דווקא עודף עדויות ותוכנן. "ההורים התערבו באותן העדויות וזה גרם לכך שכשהילדים מספרים על המעשים, משפטית העדויות הופכות למזוהמות", טענו.
What is disturbing about this article is the narrative that insinuates that the only reason that 22 out of the 25 men and women on the list of the accused pedophiles were not even indicted, and of the three who were indicted, only one was found guilty, was because the evidence was contaminated by the parents. This is a narrative that believes in the existence of a Nachlaot Pedophile Ring. There is no mention here of the possibility of another narrative -- namely, that what occurred in Nachlaot was a case of false accusations, mass hysteria and moral panic. What is especially disturbing about this is that this is said in the name of the police as the official version.
It is higly unlikely that this is really the official version of those police officers who were actually involved directly in the case for a number of reasons, including the following:
1) The article states there were 25 people on the list of accused pedophiles in Nachlaot. Actually, over a period of several months, there were continual additions of names to the list of the accused pedophiles in Nachlaot, with the number of accused by 2012 being approximately 60.
2) The article states that only three of the accused people were arrested. Actually, more than three of the accused people were arrested, though only three were indicted.
3) The article states that only one of the three accused people was convicted. As of the date of this article (February, 2015), two of those three people had actually been convicted and one had been acquitted.
Any police officer who was actually knowledgeable about the accusations in 2011 should have been aware of those objective facts.
This article also ignores the investigative report that was published in the Tablet Magazine
that strongly suggests that what occurred in Nachloat was a case of Moral Panic similar to the cases of Satanic Ritual Abuse in the United States in Day Care Centers in the 1980s.
Also ignored is the acquittal of one of the accused.
Also not mentioned is the fact that the parents who are making the accusations truly believe that the whole basis of the so called Nachlaot Pedophile Ring is to convert children to Christianity by molesting and brainwashing them. But this fact tends not to be mentioned by the prosecution ,police or most media outlets that are espousing the narrative of a Nachlaot Pedophile Ring, because this drastically reduces the credibility of the parents who are making these accusations.
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