Thursday, November 7, 2013

The 3 testimonies that were somewhat believable

Over 70 children were questioned and only 3 of the testimonies were  believable enough to be used as evidence.  That is, until the public defender was able to show that even these three testimonies were full of mistakes and unreliable  also.  Too bad an innocent person had to sit in jail for almost 2 and a half years.  
In the words of the judges;

"נמצאו תמיהות ותהיות" 

השופטים ציינו עוד כי נוכח חרושת השמועות שרצה בשכונות, חקירת עשרות ילדים וחשודים רבים, נגועות עדויות הילדים ב"זיהום כללי, אווירה של פחד, חששות ופאניקה". לדברי השופטים, "הילדים היו ערים ומודעים למצבו של הנאשם, לשליחת אצבע מאשימה כלפיו". עוד ציינו השופטים כי בכל אחת מהעדויות "נמצאו תמיהות ותהיות

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The most researched article on Nachlaot Reposted

Monday, January 7, 2013

Article in the Tablet

This article was  originally finished and ready for print by March 2012 but was delayed due to various legal concerns.  There are a few insignificant minor mistakes in the article but all in all it is the most clear article to come out so far about what occurred in Nachlaot.  

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Therapy for something that didn't happen

According to the article in the Tablet, much of what is claimed to have happened in Nachlaot simply did not happen.  The question thus arises about the many children that are still being treated by 
'psychologists'.   I put the word psychologists in parentheses because the qualifications of many of these individuals are questionable due to the fact that they were briefly trained by psychologists and were continuing their training while giving therapy to these children.  The sole reason these individuals are treating the kids is because they (the therapists) are Chareidi religious, not because they are qualified psychologists.  In fact, before the children were being treated and the tales of pedophile rings and rampant molestation were still considered to be real, many qualified therapists were offering their services for free, but were turned down by the parents due to the fact that they were not Chareidi or religious enough for them. 

Another point is that this therapy was lauded as a 'miracle therapy' that was not modern psychology even though the individuals giving the therapy were being trained by 'modern psychologists'. 

So the question is why  all these children are still being treated a year and a half later?  An example of a family I know is that all the children originally denied being molested.   Then one child finally admitted to being molested after continuous questioning by the parents.  The real reason for the child to finally agree that she was molested was the many gifts that were being showered on the children that were supposedly molested.     Trips to the beach and other gifts, and knowing that she was making her parents happy because they were also on the receiving end from the government and many Tzedaka organizations that were approached by the parents and others that were active in raising funds for the children of Nachlaot.  Of course, also the parental approval she got  was a major factor.  Although many of the children gave in to the tremendous pressure that was being put on them to 'admit' to the molestation, there were some older children that did not.  I know one child whose life was made miserable because she refused to go to therapy  for something that did not happen. 

It is my opinion that as long as these children continue to be treated for something that did not happen, it could only be doing more harm that good.  Real experts need to be brought into the picture that can accurately assess the situation and get to the truth of the matter.  As long as the parents and children are receiving perks in the form of money and gifts,  things will continue status quo. 
I realize many of the parents really do believe that their children were molested.  But from what I can see at this point, some of the parents are beginning to seriously question the validity of the claims.  Even when I spoke to certain parents over a year ago, they did not know for sure that their children were really molested.  The mother thought they were molested and the father did not think they were molested. 

As I stated before in this blog, it is very likely that molestation is going on, but not by a pedophile ring that snatches children on the way home from school or from their homes.  Usually in those kind of cases, the children do not return home but end up as a missing child statistic. 

If anyone has come across any information about the children that were involved in the false accusations from the Day Care cases in the 80's and ongoing effects from having false memories , please send it to me.    


Monday, January 7, 2013

Article in the Tablet

This article was  originally finished and ready for print by March 2012 but was delayed due to various legal concerns.  There are a few insignificant minor mistakes in the article but all in all it is the most clear article to come out so far about what occured in Nachlaot.