Saturday, November 14, 2015

How a Moral Panic spreads now days

How does a Moral Panic spread now days?

This Site is a site for Religious mothers.  What is amazing is that on this thread alone there are over 85000 views and over 800 comments!  There are also other threads on this site on the same subject. 

Of course the question arises whether this site helps to spread useful information or is part of the problem and helps to create and spread a Moral Panic.  (This thread was closed by the administrator on page 41 because she thought it was doing more harm than good. " I am locking the thread until I can post some information. Keeping the discussion going at this point is not helpful until there is real information given. The panic is causing more harm than good.")
 We see that what was going on in Nachlaot and Sanhedria Murchevet  has metamorphosed into a classic case of child daycare center abuse (Israeli Style). 
Some of the results have been;

1.  Several or possibly many English speaking families have moved away from Israel back to their respective country because they either thought their child was molested or they were fearful that they would be molested.

2.  At least one Gan (kindergarten) was closed due to mothers pulling their children out of the Gan.

3.  Many Gans are considered unsafe with reports of abuse going on in the gans or of the people working in the Gans being bribed or complicit in some way or another. 

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